Mynd: Lisa í Garði Patursson (c)
Lisa í Garði Patursson vart ph.d. við University of Surrey
Mánadagin 18. februar vardi Lisa í Garði Patursson ph.d.-ritgerð sína við University of Surrey, Onglandi. Yvirskipaða verkætlanin, sum er sett saman av trimum pørtum, kallast ‘The Conceptualisation of Sexuality’ ella skiftandi seksualfatanir.
Høvuðsvegleiðari hevur verið Elena Manafi, Dr., fyrrverandi programleiðari og seniorgranskari við Psychotherapeutic and Counselling Psychology Programme, University of Surrey. Hjávegleiðari var Tom Kent, Dr., seniorgranskari við University of Surrey.
Í metingarnevndini vóru tvey folk, ein innanhýsis og ein uttanhýsis metari, sum siðvenja er í Onglandi.
Innanhýsis umboðið var Paul Hanna, Dr., seniorgranskari og granskingarleiðari fyri kliniskari sálarfrøði á University of Surrey.
Uttanhýsis umboðið var Zoe Thomas, Dr., programleiðari og seniorgranskari fyri Counselling Psychology Programme við University of Bristol.
Verjan gekk væl. Metingarfólkini spurdu nærri um hugtøkini hjá Foucault um vald, mótstøðu, ávirkan og struktur. Tey spurdu eisini um dømini, sum vóru nýtt, og um sjónarhornini, sum vóru nýtt til at greina dáturnar.
Verkætlanin er stuðlað úr Granskingargrunninum. Sí Stuðulsyvirlitið
The portfolio explored contemporary Western conceptualisations of sexuality, which understands the phenomenon as fixed, categorical and gender-oriented. Using a critical phenomenological and discursive approach the portfolio investigated an experience, which sits outside Western binary understandings of sexuality; sexual fluidity.
In the original study, ‘Sexuality as a Matter of Becoming’ participants’ experiences were influenced by ‘The Impact of Social Norms and Pressures’, ‘The Understanding of Sexuality as a Continual Process’ and ‘The Desire to live Authentically’. The study ‘The Discursive Construction of Sexual Fluidity’ grew out of the findings from the original study. Findings from the latter study identified three dominant discourses, including an Individualism discourse, a Normative discourse and an LGBT discourse.
Findings suggested that those whose sexuality is fluid and emerging, frequently experience shame and social exclusion as a result. The implications of this for clinical practice are not well known. The portfolio therefore calls for further research and more focus on a critical approach to the conceptualisation of sexuality within the Counselling Psychology field and the wider therapeutic professions.
Mynd: Lisa í Garði Patursson (c)