Lau Øfjord Blaxekjær vart ph.d. á Københavns Universitet
Hósdagin 26. november vardi Lau Øfjord Blaxekjær ph.d.-ritgerð sína á Københavns Universitet. Ritgerðin ber heitið: "Transscalar Governance of Climate Change: An Engaged Scholarship Approach."
Vegleiðari hevur verið Jens V. Hoff, professari á Københavns Universitet.
Í metingarnevndini vóru:
Ian Manners, professari á Institut for Statskundskab, Københavns Universitet (formaður)
Harriet Bulkeley, professari á Durham University, Onglandi
Steven Bernstein, professari á University of Toronto, Kanada
Ritgerðin fekk góð skoðsmál. Í skrivligu metingini av ritgerðini áðrenn hon varð góðkend til verju, segði metingarnevndin millum annað:
“This is a very interesting dissertation with many creative elements. It is well researched and makes a clear and original contribution to the scholarly literature on climate change governance. It also proposes a number of interesting conceptual innovations that could be of interest to scholars of global governance, environmental politics and governance, and field theory.”
“The dissertation, through the papers of which it is comprised, make two central contributions to the understanding of how climate governance has changed in the post-Copenhagen period. First, the work articulates how the UNFCCC field has shifted in profound ways around both the nature of the climate problem (its narratives) and how it should be addressed (its practices). It argues that discursive shifts in the nature of climate politics are bound up with the changing communities of practice through which it is articulated and embedded. This offers a well-developed conceptual basis upon which to build strong empirical evidence of the emergence and implications of the changing position of different actor-coalitions in the UNFCCC domain.
Second, the dissertation points to the emergence of ‘the green economy’ as a new field of strategic action which has become bound up with the shifting terrain of climate governance. It argues for a view of the green economy as a strategic field of action in which one particular set of actors, related to South Korea, have come to operate strategically. This argument is well considered and draws on extensive empirical material, clearly identifying South Korea as important in shaping this particular narration of the field of the conjunction between climate/economy.”
“the dissertation provides a strong understanding of the current field of research, has developed a robust methodological design and set of data which has been thoroughly analysed and interpreted, and has produced research results that have been accepted for publication in the internationally peer reviewed academic journals of the discipline. It has made a strong contribution to our understanding of the nature of climate governance post-Copenhagen, and laid the ground for the development of future research in this field.”
Sjálv verjan gekk eisini sera væl.
Lau Øfjord Blaxekjær starvast á Fróðskaparsetrinum sum samskipari av Master útbúgvingini í West Nordic Studies.
Les meira um Lau Øfjord Blaxekjær í Heilagrunninum: http://gransking.axeltra.com/index.php?type=person&lng=fo&id=375